Several years after the showdown with Lilith, the Delaney twins, Lance and Tristan, are young men intent on finding their place in the world while wondering whether their greatest adventures already lie behind them.
But when an earth-shattering cataclysmic event occurs, the twins find themselves having to piece back together a world that only slightly resembles the world they knew, a world that seems more fantasy than reality in its strangeness and yet its familiarity.
Will they be able to find their parents and home, and resurrect their very lives? Or will they find themselves forever trapped in a time-warp in an Arthurian world that until now they have only read about.
With Arthur's Bosom, the Children of Arthur series comes to a stunning conclusion after offering a wholly new and different world-view of mythology, human history, and what is still possible for the future of the human race.
Paperback: ISBN-13: 978-0-9962400-4-8
6"x9" / 398 pages
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